Reflections, virtual and free discussions about bodies, networks, technologies, and knowledge.
WITH: Identidad Marrón, Mariana Otero, Alexandra Prici, Comunidad Catrileo-Carrión, Helen Torres, Sasha Sathya y más.
Beta is synonymous with change and transformation. Beta in programming language refers to a testing period. A permanence in this state implies the antithesis of the stable and permanent.
Four days, with four thematic axes
1. Overadapted bodies and consciousness
Exercises and reflections to think-feel from the physical and subtle plane
2. Beta-State Thinking
Urgent discussions for the construction of an intersectional past, present, and future
3. Tool
Knowledge exchange spaces from a horizontal, anti-meritocratic perspective
4. New Social and Affective Habits
Rethink care, affections, and collective emotions from a transfeminist perspective
Julieta Gómez Blumen
Julia Szejnblum
General Production
Camila Albertocchi
Luis Juarez
Violeta González Santos
Visual Identity
Juan Pinkus
Program highlights
In collaboration with the General Archive of the Nation (AGN), four audiovisual pieces that show that the manipulation of national archive material is a possibility to imagine other stories.
Sociologist, educator and translator into Spanish by Donna Haraway, Helen Torres (UY-ES) asks herself: How to rethink emotions and affects in these times?
Conversation with members of the Mapuche community Catrileo-Carrión (CL) focused on the representation of the Mapuche people in the Chilean and Argentine press based on material found on the internet, the audiovisual archive as colonial violence.
The choreographer Alexandra Pirici (RO) and the artist Lorena Fernández (AR) think of trips as movements of bodies in space, a conversation in which they reflect on how movements can be actions of resistance to feel and think collectively.